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Unlocking 4 Billion Years of Microbial Evolution to Cure Disease

Seemingly random pill-shaped particles, signifying genetic material sourced from natural environments, emerge from the ground and coalese to form a DNA strand.

Ushering in a new era of genetic medicines

At Metageno­mi, we are cre­at­ing poten­tial­ly cura­tive ther­a­peu­tics using our metage­­nomics-pow­ered genome edit­ing toolbox.

We believe tools with capa­bil­i­ties that go beyond the cur­rent tech­nol­o­gy land­scape will be required in order to reach the full ther­a­peu­tic poten­tial of genome edit­ing. By har­ness­ing the pow­er of metage­nomics, the study of genomes recov­ered from uncul­ti­vat­ed organ­isms in the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, we are dis­cov­er­ing and devel­op­ing a suite of nov­el genome edit­ing tools with the poten­tial to make any desired ther­a­peu­tic gene edit, any­where in the human genome.

Metagenomi ventures out into less-trodden natural environments to source undiscovered genetic material—and then brings it into their lab to sequence and engineer into genetic medicines.

Skip image grid
Golden marsh grass lines a tide pool.
A collection of marine invertebrates in a tide pool between two large rock formations.
Sprawling moss-covered lava fields on an overcast day.
Clouds and mist between Evergreen tree-lined mountains.
Grey mud pits with volcanic activity.
Microbial mats in geothermal pools in Yellowstone National Park.
Various colored lichen on flat rocks.
A macro-view of a small piece of moss on wet tree bark.
A macro-view of a cream and burnt-orange colored salt formation.
The large-rooted base of a sizable tree.
Bright orange moss covers a stone wall.
Green grass and white blooming Dandelion in a field at the base of a mountain range.

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Our diverse and modular genome editing toolbox is designed to precisely target at any site in the human genome

Discovery Platform

Leveraging artificial intelligence and the science of metagenomics

Using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and our metage­nomics exper­tise to explore nat­ur­al ecosys­tems, we recov­er nov­el cel­lu­lar sys­tems to devel­op cura­tive genet­ic med­i­cines. We use high-through­put screen­ing and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (“AI”) dri­ven algo­rithms to rapid­ly mine through bil­lions of nov­el pro­teins from the nat­ur­al world. This allows us to dis­cov­er genome edit­ing tools that are nat­u­ral­ly evolved to be high­ly effi­cient, spe­cif­ic, and targetable.


A broad toolbox of next-generation gene editing tools

We have devel­oped an expan­sive and mod­u­lar tool­box of next-gen­er­a­­tion genome edit­ing sys­tems that will allow us to inter­act with the human genome in a site-spe­­cif­ic man­ner. Our com­pre­hen­sive genome edit­ing tool­box includes pro­gram­ma­ble nucle­as­es for gene knock-outs or knock-ins, base edi­tors for sin­gle base pair changes, and RNA- and DNA-medi­at­ed inte­gra­tion sys­tems for insert­ing or delet­ing large sec­tions of the human genome, includ­ing prime edit­ing sys­tems and CASTs, CRISPR-asso­ci­at­ed trans­posas­es. For a giv­en ther­a­peu­tic tar­get we aim to choose the ide­al gene edit­ing tool to pre­cise­ly cor­rect the human genome. 

Therapeutic Focus

The next generation of genetic medicines

We are tak­ing a step­wise approach deploy­ing our genome edit­ing tool­box to devel­op poten­tial­ly cura­tive ther­a­pies for patients. Our lead pro­grams are select­ed to both address dev­as­tat­ing dis­eases and to estab­lish new stan­dards in tar­getabil­i­ty, pre­ci­sion, effi­cien­cy, and scope of edit­ing capa­bil­i­ties. Metagenomi’s port­fo­lio of pro­grams aims to match the opti­mal genome edit­ing tool for each indi­ca­tion and cap­ture an ever-grow­ing set of trans­la­tion­al insights that inform and accel­er­ate future programs.


About us

Unearthing a par­a­digm shift in medicine

Learn about how our curios­i­ty led us to expand our col­lec­tive knowl­edge of oth­er­wise unknown organ­isms since Metageno­mi was found­ed — knowl­edge that we’re har­ness­ing for cures.