Discovery Platform

Nature has the answer

Metagenomi’s discovery platform unlocks novel cellular machinery from natural environments to develop next generation genome editing tools.

CRISPR sys­tems, hav­ing been stud­ied for decades, are known to be ubiq­ui­tous in the micro­bial world. How­ev­er, only a few sys­tems have been used for gene edit­ing, leav­ing open the poten­tial to iden­ti­fy and devel­op new ther­a­peu­ti­cal­ly-rel­e­vant sys­tems through con­tin­ued and sys­tem­at­ic dis­cov­ery efforts. 

Metageno­mi was found­ed by pio­neers in the field of metage­nomics, a pow­er­ful sci­ence that allows us to tap into the diver­si­ty of micro­bial life on this plan­et. Instead of using tra­di­tion­al lab­o­ra­to­ry meth­ods, we recov­er microbes from the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment and study them based on their genet­ic blue­print — their genome sequences. Our mul­ti­fac­eted plat­form enables dis­cov­ery beyond pro­gram­ma­ble nucle­as­es, trans­lat­ing high­ly active nat­ur­al enzymes into next-gen­er­a­tion genome edit­ing systems.

Illustration Mobile Sampling on Dark

Pro­pri­etary sampling

Our discovery process begins with expeditions in which our scientists collect samples from diverse climates and geographies. Next we sequence DNA and reconstruct genomes of microbes to build our industry-leading metagenomics database.

Illustration Mobile Screening on Dark

AI-enabled screen­ing

We interrogate our metagenomics database using our cloud-based platform, which combines proprietary AI and machine learning algorithms, to screen for novel systems. High-throughput screening allows us to quickly analyze and identify high-performing CRISPR nucleases and other effector enzymes. 

Illustration Mobile Identification on Dark

Mod­u­lar engineering

Our modular engineering approach allows us to combine lead nucleases with ideal base or prime editing components keeping us at the cutting edge of genome editing. This high-speed process allows us to continually iterate in order to quickly engineer high-performing systems that aim to address diverse therapeutic applications.

Uncovering genome editing systems from unknown lifeforms

Through our metagenomics-driven discovery process we have assembled extensive libraries of millions of nucleases, deaminases, reverse transcriptases (“RTs”) and over one thousand CASTs. We have identified over 20,000 specific systems. As we continue to build upon our metagenomic library, we expect to make additional discoveries of novel genome editing technology and expand our toolbox. 

Our plat­form enables us to rapid­ly and effec­tive­ly find, screen, and select tools with the high­est tar­getabil­i­ty, speci­fici­ty, and effi­cien­cy in order to devel­op them into genet­ic medicines.

385 trillion
Base pairs sequenced
6 billion
Predicted proteins
155 million
Cas-associated proteins
1.43 million
Predicted CRISPR loci
Editing systems identified
Discovery Diagram R3 Mobile

Our iter­a­tive and high-through­put dis­cov­ery plat­form allows us to con­tin­u­ous­ly push the bound­aries of innovation

Our plat­form enables us to rapid­ly and effec­tive­ly find, screen, and select tools with the high­est tar­getabil­i­ty, speci­fici­ty, and effi­cien­cy in order to devel­op them into genet­ic medicines.