Metagenomi Named an Endpoints 11 Winner

We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized as one of the End­points 11 top pri­vate biotech com­pa­nies in the indus­try for our work in assem­bling the world’s largest library of next-gen­er­a­­tion gene edit­ing sys­tems, and rapid­ly trans­lat­ing them into ther­a­peu­tic platforms”

Metageno­mi, a genet­ic med­i­cines com­pa­ny with a ver­sa­tile port­fo­lio of whol­ly-owned, next-gen­er­a­tion gene edit­ing tools, today announced that it was select­ed as one of this year’s 11 most promis­ing pri­vate biotech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies by John Car­roll, founder and edi­tor of End­points News.

Metageno­mi rep­re­sents a lot of what’s real­ly great about biotech. It’s a chance to take ground­break­ing aca­d­e­m­ic insights from some of the world’s top experts in CRISPR and apply them to the devel­op­ment of the next-gen tech and tools that will car­ry this rev­o­lu­tion­ary field for­ward. And do it faster than what was once con­sid­ered pos­si­ble. We’ll be look­ing close­ly at Metagenomi’s progress — and prospects,” says John Car­roll, the found­ing edi­tor of End­points News.

We are hon­ored to be rec­og­nized as one of the End­points 11 top pri­vate biotech com­pa­nies in the indus­try for our work in assem­bling the world’s largest library of next-gen­er­a­tion gene edit­ing sys­tems, and rapid­ly trans­lat­ing them into ther­a­peu­tic plat­forms,” said Bri­an C. Thomas, Ph.D., Founder and Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer of Metageno­mi. By tap­ping into unknown organ­isms from nat­ur­al envi­ron­ments, Metagenomi’s dis­cov­ery engine has pro­duced close to 200 nov­el nucle­ase fam­i­lies that allow us to tar­get any­where in the human genome and over­come gene tar­get­ing restric­tions of oth­er sys­tems. We are using our abil­i­ty to inter­act with the human genome in a mul­ti­tude of ways to cre­ate cura­tive ther­a­peu­tics to treat rare diseases.”

Metageno­mi har­ness­es the sci­ence of metage­nomics, the study of genet­ic mate­r­i­al recov­ered from envi­ron­men­tal sam­ples mined from the world’s nat­ur­al micro­bial envi­ron­ments, in order to rapid­ly devel­op effec­tive and pre­cise gene edit­ing tools to treat a range of dis­eases. The Company’s plat­form cat­alyzes pow­er­ful gene edit­ing sys­tems that are ultra-small, extreme­ly effi­cient, and high­ly spe­cif­ic. While oth­er com­pa­nies focus on refin­ing tra­di­tion­al CRISPR tools, Metageno­mi har­ness­es nov­el cel­lu­lar machin­ery sourced from pre­vi­ous­ly unknown organ­isms to cre­ate a pro­pri­etary tool­box of next-gen­er­a­tion gene edit­ing sys­tems. Metagenomi’s whol­ly-owned IP port­fo­lio of nov­el gene edit­ing tech­nolo­gies have enabled a grow­ing list of part­ners, includ­ing Mod­er­na and Affini‑T, and fuel the devel­op­ment of the Company’s own ther­a­peu­tic pipeline.

About Metageno­mi
Metageno­mi is a gene edit­ing com­pa­ny com­mit­ted to devel­op­ing poten­tial­ly cura­tive ther­a­peu­tics by lever­ag­ing a pro­pri­etary tool­box of next-gen­er­a­tion gene edit­ing sys­tems to accu­rate­ly edit DNA where cur­rent tech­nolo­gies can­not. Our metage­nomics-pow­ered dis­cov­ery plat­form and ana­lyt­i­cal exper­tise reveal nov­el cel­lu­lar machin­ery sourced from oth­er­wise unknown organ­isms. We adapt and forge these nat­u­ral­ly evolved sys­tems into pow­er­ful gene edit­ing sys­tems that are ultra-small, extreme­ly effi­cient, high­ly spe­cif­ic and have a decreased risk of immune response. These sys­tems fuel our pipeline of nov­el med­i­cines and can be lever­aged by part­ners. Our goal is to rev­o­lu­tion­ize gene edit­ing for the ben­e­fit of patients around the world. For more infor­ma­tion, please vis­it https://​metageno​mi​.co/.